• Feudal – The Game of Siege and Conquest


    The Game of Siege and conquest

    3M Company – 1967 – 2-6 Players

    Feudal is a variant on chess. Like chess, the players maneuver pieces in an attempt to capture their opponent’s. Feudal replaces the pieces from chess with the King, Prince, Duke, Knights, Sergeants, Pikemen, Squires and Archers. Also as in Chess, each piece has a particular manner in which it is allowed to move.

    Unlike chess however, the board for Feudal contains terrain. There are forests and mountains on the board which affect the movement of pieces. The Archer is able to attack from a distance and can “slay” a piece from far away.

    Setup is random. A divider is placed across the center of the board to prevent the players from seeing what each other are doing and pieces can be set up anywhere on a player’s side of the board.

    There is also a castle, which is a specific piece. To win the game a player must either capture their opponents castle or slay all of their royalty (The King, Prince and Duke).

    Feudal is an attempt to create a version of chess which plays more like a war game. It falls somewhere into the middle ground which I think would cause it to lose most of its audience. The game is still too abstract to attract many avid war gamers and the variations are unlikely to appeal to hardcore chess players. Still the game can be fun, the pieces are very nice and there are provisions for up to six players. A fun game for a change of pace.